Friday, November 28, 2008

Update to IV Antibiotics Plan

We got a call from Dr. M this afternoon. She's so wonderful! She called to tell us that Katie's labs all looked good, renal function and Prograf level, but that she still does want to do 7 days of IV antibiotics (abx). However, she'd like to try to make it more convenient for us and offered to work with our pediatrician's office or a more local ER. The most local hospital happens to have a peds ER where we've had a good experience so we suggested that (because we both (Steve and I) agreed our ped's office couldn't do it) and it just so happens that Dr. M knows docs there. She called them and called us back and a doc she knows is on today and will be on tomorrow, so here's our schedule.

Tomorrow (Saturday) between 8 and 9 a.m. we'll go to the local hospital ER for just the IV abx.

Sunday between 8 and 9 a.m. we'll go to the local hospital ER for IV abx and labs but no Prograf level.

Monday closer to 8 we'll go to the local hospital ER for IV abx and labs with a Prograf level.

Monday afternoon Dr. M and Nancy will figure out what to do about Tuesday's abx. Dr. M will want to see us then anyway so we'll do that dose at UMMS she just wasn't sure if she could set it up to be done in peds endocrinology where the Cytogam infusion was done or if we would have to do it in the ER again.

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