Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One step closer

At long last we finally have the results of the retest of the one that came back bad... and it came back good!! Yay!! We're very excited.

Just one more hurdle to cross. When I was at the hospital for my donor workup my blood pressure was high. That was kind of understandable considering they took it at the end of the day, and considering how that portion of the day went. However, it's not acceptable for going forward with surgery. So, I need to be able to show that that has come down. This evening I'm taking my blood pressure at home and I've gotten two readings with the bottom number under 80 which is what the committee (that approves donors) wanted so, it looks like we should be good to go on that.

As soon as we're officially past this I'm hoping we can nail down the surgery date.

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