Thursday, March 12, 2009

Culture results and more

Well... We basically have more questions than answers at this point but since I said the culture results would be back today I wanted to post.

I spoke to Dr. M's nurse late this afternoon. The culture came back clean but Dr. M doesn't believe the result. The sample was dropped at LabCorp and we know that LabCorp has a threshhold below which they call a culture clean. In other words if a sample has only 50,000 colony forming units they may report the culture as clean, however we don't know if that number is 50,000, 60,000 or some other number. So Dr. M is thinking about what she wants to do and is supposed to call us to discuss that and the blood results.

Her blood results are a little funky. Her Prograf level is higher than they would like it to be and her creatinine is slightly higher than it was. It's possible that those two things are related and that she's actually developing a toxicity to Prograf. One of the possibilities to deal with that is possibly a change in that part of the drug regimen. There aren't any coordinating results that would lead them to believe she's in any level of rejection so that's a good thing but Dr. M wants to mull things over for a bit before calling us to discuss.

We're contemplating seeking out a second opinion on these infections, so if anyone who has found us here has any renal transplant experiences that they would like to share please feel free to email me at steamy4 at

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