Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pain again

Katie started having pain in the area of the new kidney last evening. We hoped that it might have been bowel related and it did get better overnight, but it has persisted throughout the day today. So we're going to call Dr. M in the morning and we're quite confident that she will want Katie admitted to the hospital again. I suspect that this won't be a long stay because of her having the PICC line. I think they will want to run fluids, check labs, see if the fluids resolve the pain, get the results of the culture, get abx started, and that as soon as we can line up home health to bring us the meds we'll be able to come home. Now... all that being said... we don't know what kind of bacteria we're dealing with yet. The first of this round of cultures grew a new bacteria which name escapes me at the moment but there's no guarantee what this second one will grow. If it grows a resistant bacteria it could be an obscure abx, or something we can't do at home, or something that requires too much monitoring to be done at home. There just aren't any guarantees. I'll try to keep you updated as much as possible.

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