Sunday, October 18, 2009

She's 12!!

We had the big birthday around here this past Friday and my babies are now 12.

On the health front Katie is doing well. She does actually have a UTI right now that we are treating. I'm a little concerned that we're into another string of UTIs. We have been considering switching her renal care over to Johns Hopkins. When we met with them they did say they have experience with transplant patients who have augmented bladders like Katie who have had recurrent infections. They have had to do some altering of meds or other things to get the infections to stop. However, if we do that we'd have to have appointments in the middle of the day (no mornings or afternoons until January) and school make up work is a big issue we're dealing with right now. So, we're not sure what to do at this point. It seems like missing a day a month shouldn't be a big deal and missing a day a month shouldn't be what makes us stay away from care that might know more about Katie's uniqueness but it just all has to be considered.

We are less than 30 days from the year anniversary of the transplant...